Thursday, April 17, 2008


A new one on Bloglish's called "Ambushed", and part I can be found here. Whenever I watch one of those stupid hidden camera shows, I feel very sorry for the people who are the victims. I see them getting humiliated on national television, and they're just supposed to laugh and be a good sport about it. I can't imagine the extra humiliation they get from people that know them. So, I wrote this story about a victim, and tried to present the negative effect the show had on his life. It's probably a little dark for some people, but there you go. Some of the pranks I originally came up with did not make it into the published draft, either because they were stupid, or obvious, or plagiarized from other sources. I hope the final result is at least semi-original (thanks to my wife for helping me with the taxi scene, which was really dumb in my original outline).

It seems like I've been doing more with Bloglish Tales than any of my other blogs lately. I did just post a new list in the Eleven, but I haven't done anything with Hamville or the Game Zone in a while. I think with Hamville, I'm just recharging my creative juices with other projects. With the Game Zone, I'm trying to find other games I can use. It doesn't help when most of the games in books don't work for the population I want them to work for.

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