Thursday, January 10, 2008

Puerto Rico, My Heart's Devotion

One of the things my wife got me for Christmas was the board game Puerto Rico. If you're not familiar with the game, it's not your standard roll-the-dice-move-around-the-board-try-to-get-to-the-end-first type of game. Each player has certain roles to fill, and each player gets to do something on every turn. It's just a question of who gets to do it first.

I've been trying to get into the board game culture recently, and I discovered Puerto Rico through BoardGame Geek (link to the left). Discovered is probably not the greatest word to use - when I found it, it was already number one on BGG. But, my wife bought it, and we've played it a few times. It's extremely intricate and detailed, but the rules are logical enough to follow once you've gotten around how many there are. I'm looking forward to playing it with a lot of friends.

I've also been getting interested in game design lately, and I'm trying to design a few games at least for personal use (I'm not terribly confident in my commercial appeal). I highly doubt I could create anything like Puerto Rico, but I'm going to start small.

Thanks for reading post #2 on the Bloglish Blog. Until next time, this is Dr. Worm, signing off.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I can't help but comment on the bloglish name. Do remember Gloglish?