Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Adventures of Captain Obvious, part VI

The Obvious Cave. When CAPTAIN OBVIOUS and DR. SARCASM enter, it is dark.

OBVIOUS: Lights! (nothing happens) AHEM! I said LIGHTS! (Nothing continues to happen. CAPTAIN OBVIOUS claps his hands. Nothing persists in happening.) Nothing seems to be happening.

SARCASM: Brilliant observation, Sherlock.

OBVIOUS: Captain Obvious.

SARCASM: Darn, screwed up again.

OBVIOUS: You know, this memory thing is going to get you into real trouble some day. Perhaps you should...oh.


OBVIOUS: I understand. Dr. SARCASM. As in being sarcastic. I just caught that.

SARCASM: Did you think that was just my last name?

OBVIOUS: Well...yes.

SARCASM: You thought my name was something like John Sarcasm? What’s your real name, George Obvious?

OBVIOUS: Bill, actually.


OBVIOUS: Bill Obvious. I didn’t know we could choose different names. Interesting.

SARCASM: I’m not having this conversation.

OBVIOUS: But, this doesn’t explain why the lights aren’t on.

SARCASM: Did you try the light switch?

OBVIOUS: Ah. The maid must have turned it off there by accident.

SARCASM: The maid?


SARCASM: When did we get a maid?

OBVIOUS: Oh, didn’t I tell you? She started last week. I got tired of cleaning up after myself, so I hired a maid.

SARCASM: Why don’t we just have a big sign out front that says, “CAPTAIN OBVIOUS’ SECRET LAIR”?

OBVIOUS: It wouldn’t be secret then, would it?

SARCASM: Yeah, and we’re hiding it from the world anyway by having it in the phone book.

OBVIOUS: (at the light switch) Let there be light! (And it is so. But looking around the room, they see that it has been ransacked.) Merciful heavens! We’ve been robbed!

SARCASM: How do you think they found us?

OBVIOUS: More importantly, who is “they”?

VOICE: (coldly, from offstage) I think you know the answer to that, Captain Obvious.

OBVIOUS: That voice...who is it...

WORM: (emerges from the shadows, stage left) We meet at last.
Can Captain Obvious and Doctor Sarcasm possibly get out of this alive? What nefarious scheme does the Worm have planned? Is Captain Obvious a real captain? WHEN WILL THIS STORY END?!? The answers to some of these questions, plus some others that I didn't mention, and minus some that you really want to know but won't, can be found in the thrilling finale of THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!!!

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