Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Blue Heaven

My grandmother always used to say, "Win without crowing, lose without whining." Sometimes, however, it's just too difficult.


89-78. In Chapel Hill. You know, national championships are great and all, but the whole season is worth it if the Blue Devils can beat Carolina even once. Sigh. Yay.

I know there are more Duke haters out there than Carolina haters. Elitist, smug, win too much, yadda yadda yadda. The way Carolina people act, as if God himself spoke on the eighth day to say "LET THERE BE TAR HEELS", I'll go with Duke any day.

Enough crowing. Carolina will do very well for themselves this season. I'm just glad that the Dookies are back.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Well, I'll crow a bit too. It was a great game. Duke is back to playing a consistent game. Getting roughed up by everybody, but standing tall. Well, not too tall since Carolina guys were bigger. It was a fun game to watch, and I stayed up for the whole thing.